Friday, October 23, 2009

seasonal obsession

i have always loved pomegranates. always. they're so fun to eat, so delish and so messy. but last year i found pomegranate 7up. sure it was like 150 cals. per can but i didnt care. it was the most wonderful soda i'd had, and i'd given up diet coke from oct-dec while it was in stores. SURE my mom gave me a hard time for drinking a "regular" soda...but honestly its so awesome. well...monday i went to smiths late at night cause i was a bit lonely and missed wandering stores late at night and this is what i found!

HOLLLLAAAA! the best soda in the world! i've bought 6 packs so far and have put everyone on notice that if they feel like picking up more for me they should. i'm putting this online... I LOVE DIET POMEGRANATE 7up! I WILL ACCEPT GIFTS OF THIS WONDERFUL SEASONAL DRINK! (please notice they further pulled me in by adding snowflakes...i'm a sucker for snowflakes. if i could have tattoos most likely i'd have a storm of these on me. probably too much info but's a blog not a column in the NYT)

i encourage all of you to try this stuff out and hopefully they'll keep making it next year!!!


  1. seriously i love how you set up the picture hahahahahahahahaha photo shoot 7-up is ready for the close up! holla!
