Wednesday, June 3, 2009

total and complete love

so i've been going on blogs...alot. and i found one that seriously speaks to my soul.

Cafe Cartolina

this is one of the best, most beautiful, happy, amazing, girly, fabulous blogs i've been on...and it's part of a store/paper company!

as many of you know i'm in LOVE with paper products/ this place is my heaven, celestial kingdom, happy place.

i do love her. and cant wait to post more pictures from it!

p.s. Chicago in 4 days!


  1. yes!!! and did you see that i won THE AMAZING HUGE GINORMOUS GIVEAWAY that she just did???? i still can't stop smiling about it. she's my fave.

  2. What a lovely post about Cafe Cartolina and our pretty little paper products - I am blushing - thank you so much!
    Fiona | Cartolina
